- It is believed that the proud, identifying 'farmer-esc' Bristolian dialect is in fact being levelled despite the attempts of people such as Terry the odd job man to save and spread the dialect. He see's it as his duty to spread the dialect so people can understand and embrace it more. Despite his attempts majority public opinion is that the dialect is being levelled, this is shown through what's said in the Bristolian Linguistic diversity section of the full English website, Jessica Luce makes relevant comments with regards to the idea that the dialect is being diluted by students coming into Bristol and proudly expressing their own identity, despite this the accent itself is not being diluted.
stereotypes associated with the Bristolian accent are:
- Farmer
- pirate
- uneducated
- predominantly male
There is much debate about how Bristolian words such as 'gert' (gurt) should be spelt, this is expressed through the beast clothing t-shirts which express the Bristolian dialect through their popular t-shirt brand.
A common stereo-type associated with the Bristolian dialect is that of Vicky Pollard, the 'Little Britain' character, the common Bristolian opinion of her character is one of annoyance due to the mild discrimination many Bristolian's get from outsiders. Because of the 'yeah...but...no...but' was decided against as a t- shirt idea for beast clothing