CLA questions
- Phonemic expansion is when the variety of sounds a child makes increases (for example, children move from cooing to babbling). Phonemic contraction is the variety of sounds reducing.
- Turn taking is encouraged in children by the adult setting the agenda, this is a feature of CDS
- A phoneme is a unit of sound and the grapheme is the letter which represents this sound
- Berko and Brown’s ‘Fis’ study shows a child saying ‘that’s a fis’, and adult replies saying ‘is it a fis’ and then the child says ‘no it’s a fis’ meaning that the child can understand the ‘sh’ phoneme but is just unable to articulate it
- A proto word is similar to a real word but not quite, i.e. when a child says ‘baba’ to ask for their bottle they are using words but they’re just unable to articulate the phoneme
- A holophrase is a single word that is used to express a whole meaningful thought
- Katherine Nelson’s 4 categories of words in children’s speech are naming ‘ball’, actions/events ‘ stop’, personal ‘yes’ , modifying actions ‘dirty’
- Positive reinforcement is the idea of repeating behaviour because it has positive consequences e.g. a child will continue to say the word ‘ food’ if it means they will get fed
- Negative reinforcement is the idea of performing a behaviour to avoid a negative consequence e.g. a child will say the word ‘food’ to avoid being hungry
- Jean Aitchison looked at connections between children’s semantic and linguistic development. She theorised the following stages. 1. Labelling- linking words to the objects they refer to. 2. Packaging- exploring what certain labels can apply to. 3. Network building- making connections between words
- Piaget looked at correlations between children’s speech development and their cognitive development. He split their development into 4 stages- sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operational and formal operational.
- Mean length of utterance is the average amount of morphemes in a child’s utterance, the more morphemes a child uses per utterance, the more complex their utterance is.
- Holophrastic= one word is used. Two-word = two words are used. Telegraphic = sentences without closed class words. Post-telegraphic = normal speech
- Ursula Bellugi identified 3 stages of negation – 1) child puts ‘no’ in front of phrase. 2) no/not inside of utterance 3) correct form is achieved
- Chomsky created LAD – the language acquisition device, this is a grammatical device which we are all born with which helps us to learn language
- A virtuous error is an error that a child makes because they have never learnt the correct way that something should be said, not because they have heard it then using it wrong. Basically the child cannot be held responsible for making the error as it was out of their control.
- Over-extension is when a child extends something of a certain category to something else e.g. calling all animals ‘dog’.
- Universal grammar is Chomsky’s idea that language has a genetic factor i.e. language is hard-wired to the brain. This is supported by the idea that there are areas of the brain which light up in brain-imaging studies when being investigated for language.
- Bruner and Vygotsky's theories both incorporate the idea of interaction in learning. They advocate the idea that we pick up language from our environment as opposed to it being innate
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