Thursday, 24 March 2016

Recommended reading list

- Look for books by David crystal - Netspeak books
- Tim Shortis- language of ICT
- Angela Goddard- Language and technology
- Norman Fairclough- language and power
- Alison Ross with language and representation
- Deborah Cameron- The feminist critique

Paper 1

- Avoid information and vague expressions
- Write in a sophisticated 3rd person manner
- Plan quickly
- Gramps isn't really needed- intro just needs to be brief

Questions 1&2

- Always provide some kind of evidence
- Comment on what is there, not what isn't
- Think about a range- demonstrate a breadth of language knowledge
- Affordance
- Revise word class

Grade descriptors
- Talk about graphology and affordances

- Must use representation
- Must mention affordances with an online text
- Talk about peoples values and self representation - 'usernames'
- Look at the language surrounding the main body
- Look at how the site represents itself
- Constraint 'no face to face communication'
- Comment on the fact that it is asynchronous- delay in the response of the communication - can pick your response

personal targets

- More terminology
- Comment on affordances
- Offer alternative interpretations

Main idea is to use more terminology!!!!

Question 3

- 2 or 3 detailed paragraphs- not loads of rubbish ones
- Don't rely on audience and purpose
- Terms and evidence

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Comparison of Mumsnet forum and Guardian article

There is a clear difference in audience between the two texts. This difference in who the text is intended for is displayed in the difference in language used. The mumsnet text has more common use of simple sentences such as 'I was nominated to post 5 pictures which make me happy to be a mother' whereas the Guardian article has more compound and complex sentences such as 'a challenge is coping with grief when you wish you were dead, or pushing your mind and body to the limit in a feat of superhuman endurance'. The use of simple sentences in the first text shows a more rushed, basic tone which reflects on the audience that the writer is intending their text to be read by; it shows that the text is likely to be read by mothers who stereotypically will not have as much time to be both reading and understanding more complex sentences. However, the Guardian article portrays a more mature tone; the writer will be appealing towards a middle-class, educated audience who stereotypically would have more time to read and comprehend complex and compound sentences.

The use of noun phrases between the two texts differs in meaning greatly. In the mumsnet text, noun phrases such as 'egotistical lemmings' suggest a sarcastic and pretenscious tone, this represents the users of this forum as somewhat magniloquent, this tone is common in the Guardian article, however, this is more expected of the stereotypical Guardian writer, Noun phrases such as 'glow worms in padded snowsuits' show a snobbish manner and make themselves seem as if they know better even about how to dress a child.     

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Paragraph on 'MyHub' web page.

The frequent use of compound and complex sentences appeal to a more mature audience. Compound sentences such as 'my main role is to respond to incidents of crime and disorder reported by members of the public' make the text appeal to an older, more mature audience, thus, widening the audience. It could be argued that the length and complexity of the sentences used represent the laborious nature of being a Police Officer. However, this is juxtaposed by the colourful, youthful layout of the text would be more likely to appeal to a younger audience. Overall, the text appeals to a wide audience by counterbalancing the more stereotypically older and mature language with more youthful affordances and layout.
Analyse the meanings and representations in the text

There is evidence of rhetorical questions in the text. The rhetorical question 'taking the EPQ next year?' acts as a leading question. The implied meaning is that it will allow the consumer of the text to answer this rhetorical question in their mind. This answer will lead him to answer the primary question that the questioner wanted him to answer in the first place. This represents the consumer as easily enticed as the producer of the text can engage the reader by asking them an open question.

The place in which the text is consumed is also relevant; the college setting in which the text is read means that students will be the consumer of the text, this makes the use of synthetic personalisation relevant. synthetic personalisation is used to create an artificial relationship between the text and the consumer. Students are likely to be more liable to the idea of a artificial relationship as they are stereotypically more enthusiastic & optimistic individuals. 
AO1 -              

AO2 -